Social Events
Lumina Foundation’s Christmas Party 2023
Jackie’s 30th Birthday
Black Panther 2Screening
Asante’s 50th Birthday
Howard U Charter Day 2023
Keisha’s Surprise 40th Birthday
Skye’s 21stBirthday
Tinisha’s 50th Birthday Tea Party
Freshtival Day Party
Fireside Chatw/Bisa Butler
Howard Homecoming
Dynasty On U
Chill Summer Day Party
Nicky’sBaby Shower
Holiday Happy Hour
Gavin’s 50thBirthday Party
Rooftop Day Party
Gina’s 50thBirthday Bash
Nyesha’sBaby Shower
Black PantherScreening
The Playlist
The past year was transformative for the events industry, turning in-person events into virtual undertakings was no small fete. Here’s a special spotlight on two virtual events we’ve recently hosted and how it changed our outlook on what’s possible.